Ambar is thrilled to be part of such a  a wonderful collective.  When she's not kicking her own ass in her endless pursuit of health, Ambar enjoys cooking Cuban and Peruvian cuisines, nodding to her heritage.  She also kickboxes and looks after her parakeet, Spazzy (watch out, he's feisty!)  Ambar would like to thank the entire case and creative team for this amazing opportunity.
Personal Statement:  
"Acting is hard.  There's a lot of research, a lot of study, a lot of intellect; and a lot of heart, hope and disheartenment.  Acting is a profession of sheer lunacy.  The word "rejection" is an understatement of what an actor experiences every day they audition, prepare, perform, try to survive... and walk away, usually feeling exhausted and powerless.   Then comes the inevitable feeling of self-doubt:  Am I doing this right?  Am I any good?  Am I full of shit?  Did they like me? It is always good to remember:
*Core Member.

One "...always ought to pray and not lose heart."  So we ask Him, "Summon your power, O God; show us Your strength, as You have done before."  PS 68:28.  And just when we lose hope, when we, the actor, feel the crevices along the walls of the abyss that is self-despair, we are sent an event/experience/ group/journey/invitation as a way out.  PHOENIX RISING was that for me.  Just as I was losing heart, He sent me to LTPR, and through the power of life, love, energy, healing, and art, this group of creative professionals has boosted my strength, and I was able to simply walk out of despair.  We embrace each other and hold one another to a standard unlike any I've ever known.  We share our happiness and our sadness.  We are open and trusting.  We are fierce and fabulous.  We are daughters, sisters, ex-wives, girlfriends, friends, mothers, women.  Family.  This was not only an acting challenge.  This was life wrapping its most glorious and beauteous tendrils around me.  My life has forever been changed for the better.  Thank you Daniel, Laura, Rachel, Brianna, Val, Julia, Alexandra, Kira, Lindsay, Nichollette, and Noelle for your love and guidance.  May your light burn brighter than a thousands suns.  I am so proud of this piece, of this cast.  This is altruism at its finest.  Listen.  Learn.  Let it affect you.  Take this away and do something good with it.  Keep the cycle of healing moving forward."